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About Me
Run Coaching

There wasn't anyone in my family who "did sport" when i was growing up. School sports day and PE lessons were up there with a visit to the dentist. So sport didn't feature in my life until I was almost 40.  Up until that point I had run (and mostly walked) the odd 5K Race for Life, and in a moment of enthusiasm had entered the London 10000 in 2012 - a 10K race to raise money for charity that took in part of the Olympic marathon course. It was one of the hottest days of the year, I hadn't done a lot of (lets be honest any) training. I hated every minute of it. Needless to say, I didn't lace up my trainers again for another 2 years.


2 years later  - in the year before my 40th birthday, I decided that I wanted to take swimming lessons in my local pool to learn the front crawl. All I could do was breast stroke and it was on a list of things that I wanted to do something about. Before long I had somehow entered myself into the Henley 1/2 mile open water swim and loved it. My 40th Birthday gift was a bicycle and so just to see what it was like I entered my first super sprint triathlon  - the shortest distance I could find, on the basis that if i hated it - it would be over quickly. It was fun, scary and exhausting in equal measure. I was pretty slow, but I was hooked. Since then I have completed a number of triathlons at various distances including Ironman 70.3 distance.


As for running, I run all distances from up to and including ultra marathon distance - and now really do enjoy it - with trail running being my favourite. So much so that running tourism now features in all our holidays - its a great way to see the sights and get to know the area. I am also a qualified England Athletics Running Coach.


Exercise brings fabulous benefits - both physically and psychologically and I am passionate about encouraging women to have a go, get outside and experience the benefits for themselves. I do understand how challenging getting active can be, there is never a good time and it can it can be hard work in the beginning, but it really does just start with that first step.


I a qualified Sports Massage Therapist and in addition to providing post race massage at many trail running events I have also be fortunate enough to be part of the 2022 Commonwealth Games supporting athletes and their wider team members as a Sports Massage Therapist.



England Athletics - Event Group Endurance Coach

England Athletics - Coach in Running Fitness

Sports Massage Therapist Level 4

YMCA - Level 3 Personal Training

YMCA - Level 3 Award in Nutrition and Physical Activity

ICI - Indoor Cycling Instructor

ICI - Indoor Cycling with Power

Vegetarian and Vegan Nutritionist - Diploma - Distinction

Purestretch Instructor

Registered Boxercise Instructor - Advanced Skills

Active IQ - Level 2 Award in Instructing Kettle Bells

YMCA - Level 2 Circuit Training

Practitioners Diploma is Chair/Seated Acupressure on site massage

Practitioners Diploma in Myofascial Release

FMT RockPods - ROCDOC certified

YMCA - Level 2 Gym Instructor

Mental Health Awareness for Sport and Physical Activity

Certificate in using Foam Rollers

Registered Nurse

England Athletics Run Coach
Ultra running coach
Marathon running
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